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Doctorpreneurs: Dr Sudeer Mahadeo

Doctorpreneurs of Doctology is pleased this week to showcase an interview with Dr Sudeer Mahadeo.

Dr Sudeer Mahadeo has been practicing as a GP for 13 years and has been a doctor for 20 years.He is a Co- Founder of UrbanDoc. He is known for his limitless energy levels and his quick thinking. His moto is small steps right direction.

What organisation / startup did you found?

We have started up UrbanDoc which is a digital platform for connecting Doctors and patients in real time and facilitating medical intervention using various aspects of telecommunication- Facetime, Skype, Text and information templates.

What is its noble purpose?

1. To make healthcare accessible to all even in remote areas or when people are overseas.

2. To expedite the provision of health care

3. To facilitate provision of healthcare services to individuals who are time poor, which is most of us these days, Mums, Dads, busy company executives.

Tell me about the first 10 years of your life.

I grew up in South Africa during apartheid years and obviously accessibility to health care was difficult to say the least. Hence my desire to find ways to provide health care to rural and remote areas using available technology.

What age were you when you had your first paying job? What was it?

Stacking shelves in a supermarket at age 12.

What made you want to be a Doctor and what speciality did you choose?

I am very social and like getting to know people. Interacting in a professional setting facilitates transcendence of general social stereotypes like race, language, religion etc.

If you are a doctor people see you as a doctor and it fascinating that people are much more alike than different. I chose General Practice as this lends itself to variety.

What made you want to be an Entrepreneur? When exactly did you decide?

Tough Question. I have always tried to work to my capacity and as a GP you can’t help but think that there must be a more efficient way of providing some of our services and getting our expertise to a broader rural and remote audience. hence the idea for UrbanDoc.

Are you still practicing as a Doctor now? If yes do you intend to stop if your organisation takes off?

Yes, I still practice, and No I don't intend to stop.

Are you a Doctorpreneur? Do you know of one? If yes then get in touch us and you could appear on Doctorpreneurs of Doctology. Just email today.


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