Welcome to the next post in our series of Product Snapshots in the Australian healthtech sector. However, this week we bring you something a little different, a Movement in fact.
Say hello to FemTech Collective, headed by Co-Founder Megan Capriccio.
In one sentence, describe your movement?
The FemTech Collective is a network, hub, and business support service who's mission is to catalyze innovation in the female-focused technology space.
What industry challenge is FTC tackling?
By 2025, the FemTech industry is projected to be a $50billion global industry. But at this stage, the development of the FemTech industry in Australia is greatly behind other regions of the world. There is essentially a gap where the industry could grow and the ultimate impact it could make on women's health journeys.
FemTech Collective has identified that fundraising, awareness, and community are the key priorities for professionals in the Australian FemTech ecosystem. We work strategically with FemTech Founders and professionals to support these priorities and ultimately grow the industry as a whole.
What makes FTC unique?
FemTech Collective is ultimately striving for the positive impact we can make for women's health journeys. Even though our direct clients are professionals of the FemTech space, we recognize that strategically growing the industry will reverberate out to the women who will utilize FemTech products and services.
What is the biggest risk to the movement?
The biggest risk to the FemTech movement is misunderstanding:
-Misunderstanding that FemTech is not women in tech, but rather specific to women's health
-Misunderstanding the technology landscape and the lack of technology that supports women's realities
-Misunderstanding why, right now, it is important for women to have a specific tech category until technology creation naturally support the realities of women.
-And finally and most importantly, misunderstanding that FemTech is a tech category that is only for women to create. Without the support from allies outside of the FemTech space, the movement and women's health journeys will never develop for the better.
What does success look like for FTC?
Our grand vision is to be the leading business support service, strategic resource, and hub for entrepreneurs, innovators, and professionals to connect, collaborate, and up-skill in order to create better products and services for female health.
But success for us will be knowing we positively impacted the health journey of even just one woman.
Why do you think healthtech particularly is seeing an incredible amount of startups and scale-ups being led by females?
As silly as it is, I think society is slowly starting to view women, their opinions, and experiences as valuable in the healthtech space. Women's health particularly has been a low priority, and women are taking it upon themselves to solve health problems where healthcare and governments have traditionally failed.
Often, women in the healthtech space set out to merely solve their personal health conditions and soon learn that many people have endured similar health journeys. Improving their own health and that of individuals on the same path becomes the ultimate mission. And it is their personal story that equips them to be successful in the healthtech space.
Why should a female in the healthtech space join the FTC community?
Although the majority of users of FemTech products and services are female, we do encourage individuals of all genders to join the FemTech Collective! We see the value in having members from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives who can unite under the common understanding that healthy women build a healthy society.
FemTech Collective is a place for community, strategy, and collaboration across the healthtech space. If we are properly approaching health holistically, we need to connect and learn from our peers across the industry.
How do we find out more about FTC?
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