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Physicianaries: Dr Alicia Martin

This week's Physicianary* is Dr Alicia Martin.

Whilst browsing through Instagram I noted the username @thebrewdoc and as a lover of the Doctor world AND craft beer I was more than intrigued.

Turns out Leish is a legend too and was happy to be the first ever Doctor to be interviewed in this series - enjoy!:

What specialty in Medicine did you choose?

I have started my Physician training this year and at this point, Gastroenterology and General Medicine are my top two specialties but there are many more I have not had the opportunity to experience just yet.

Name the Doctor that has been most inspiring or had the most impact on your career so far?

Dr Sloss, he is a Gastroenterologist who I was lucky enough to meet as a medical student. His passion is just contagious! There are so very many wonderful doctors I have been able to work with who inspire me every day though.

Name your favourite fictional Doctor?

JD from Scrubs!

If there was on superpower you think a Doctor needed the most right now, what would it be?

The ability to understand the complexities of ieMR (integrated electronic Medical Record).

If you could brew your own a medical-themed craft beer tomorrow, what would you call it?

Great question! I think it would be an Adjusted Dose mid-strength ale, there are some great mid-strengths on the market at the moment!

*a "Physicianary" is an interesting / intriguing / visionary / weird & wonderful Doctor and human (delete as appropriate!)

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