In one sentence, describe your product?
An online disability care platform for care seekers to manage care, find & book services and get options of "what is possible".
What industry challenge are is Cared tackling?
In the absence of an independent care aggregator, care seekers have to use multiple providers platforms to meet their care needs. This approach to care creates a skewed relationship; promotes the 'status quo' care approach and decreases the overall outcomes for the care seekers.
What is unique about Cared in your market?
Cared's online platform aggregates care management across multiple service providers, ensures that care plans are goal focused and provides options to unleash the latent power that care seeker possess.
What is the biggest risk to Cared?
Care seekers do not understand our USP. Marketing budget & on-going cost of AI.
What does success look like for the company?
We believe that consolidation of information at one place, having the "most suitable" care options will create better outcomes for the people living with a disability.
Why should a customer use the product?
Our 18 years old son, Aaryan, who has multiple challenges including speech, intellectual, spatial awareness & mobility. With hard work and getting the right help & research, our son is now a scholarship university student, a TEDx speaker, represents Australia in an Paralympic sports and a live radio host. Cared platform is designed to save time, empower people of what is possible.
A care-seeker platform not only manages bookings, financials and goals from one place but also provides suitable care recommendations using technologies, research and past history.
How do we find out more?