One of the most talked about technologies of the past couple of years is the emergence of blockchain.
The technology that sits behind crypto currencies is not a one-trick pony and the healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors have been identified as ideal to adopt it.
Although it is far from maturity on any significant scale, a handful of perceptive and passionate Australian startups are putting in serious groundwork to ensure it eventually thrives and is adopted by all:
Secure Health Chain -
Wollongong-born but now calling Sydney home, Secure Health Chain is taking its responsibility as pioneers seriously.
Led and founded by Dr Rob Laidlaw, a Neurosurgeon by trade, in their words their vision is crystal-clear, “Our goal is to create a high tech and user-friendly electronic ‘health passport’ that you can access on your smartphone, all secured by blockchain technology (much like a digital fingerprint).”
With a recent trip to New York representing the best of Australia’s blockchain scene, we suspect we have not heard the last of them.
Image Chain -
One blockchain challenge was not enough, so Dr Rob Laidlaw also founded Image Chain, a startup that, “…uses blockchain technology to solve the exponentially growing problem of storing medical imaging data in a secure, accessible and useful way.”
A two-pronged attack on healthcare may well be a great move in the long-term.
E-nome -
Sydney appears to be the de-facto home of healthcare blockchain, with E-nome based in the CBD.
E-nome are currently building and iterating an electronic health record. Patients have control over whether they grant access (or not) to healthcare providers and services. They can also choose to share their data to medical research organisations.
Their team boasts some big names in medical research, healthcare and the corporate world, but turning that horsepower into adoption will be the ultimate achievement.
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