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Top 3: Healthtech Podcasts in Australia

Healthcare can take its sweet time to catch up with trends in other sectors, but thankfully podcasting is now full steam ahead.

Healthtech specifically is starting to see a handful of insightful productions gain traction, including our three-pick below:

Talking HealthTech

By Peter Birch

Now into it’s 2nd full year of operation, THT is gaining momentum, with new episodes appearing weekly, with senior figures across some of the leading health technology services and companies in Australia. Special period events have spawned from its success with Peter donning the mic on-site and interviewing founders and CEOs live for the podcast.

Reimagining Healthcare

By Yianni’s Serpanos HealthTechX

Leaning on the stellar reputation of Yianni’s HealthTechX, a network that holds events on all things health technology, this bi-weekly production interviews a range of professionals in the sector, from clinicians, founders and subject-matter experts.

The MTPConnect Podcast

By MTPConnect

Although technically more “medtech” than “healthtech”, this podcast is the child of MTPConnect, an NFP that supports a broader medtech, biotech and pharma sector. Dare I say it, this weekly listen is a touch more scientific and commercial given its subjects, but that has not stopped it covering everything you want to know (before you knew you needed to know it).

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