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Top 3: Medical Aid Organisations for Volunteer Doctors

Having shed blood, sweat, tears, years and usually burdening huge debt just to earn that right to practice, you could forgive Doctors for not always showing maximum kindness and empathy.

Thankfully despite hectic schedules there are a large cohort of Australian Doctors of all ages and backgrounds that selflessly give their free time and clinical skills to aid organisations.

There are some obvious high-profile and impactful organisations that come to mind like The Fred Hollows Foundation, but below are three organisations that may not be as prominent that do equally great work to help those less fortunate:

Australian Doctors International (ADI) -

Dr Peter Macdonald, former General Practitioner and MP, founded ADI at the turn of the millenium.

Now based in Seaforth, Sydney, their work is focussed in Papua New Guinea with volunteer professionals and Doctors providing clinical and preventative healthcare services across remote health centres and aid posts.

Australian Doctors For Africa (ADFA) -

Based out of Perth, Western Australia, ADFA is a volunteer medical humanitarian organisation, providing medical training and services, hospital equipment and infrastructure development for vulnerable communities.

East Africa is the charity’s main focus with current projects in Madagascar, Ethiopia, Somaliland and Comoros.

Mercy Ships Australia -

Although with a global footprint, the Australian arm of Mercy Ships is based out of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland.

They provide surgical and healthcare solutions based from their well-equipped hospital ships that can access and service areas that need them the most, predominantly on the shores of Africa.

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