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Top 5: Asian Countries with no EHR

With the My Health Record now live for all Australians, amidst a barrage of skepticism around security, privacy and outdated technology, the country can at least claim it is ahead of the rest of the world. Some of it at least.

Check out below a list of 5 countries that are yet to have executed a roll-out of their electronic health record (EHR):

New Zealand

With a population of just 5 million, you could suggest roll-out will be far less complex. However, despite an announcement in 2015 that a single, EHR was on the horizon, in 2018 progress stalled and politicians claimed they had not even seen the budget for it.


It may claim the largest mass of people in the world, but a universal EHR could be some way off. The almost 1.4 billion humans make a mouth-watering prospect of health data and research opportunities, but with this sheer size it is as equally as daunting to enforce and execute.

Saudia Arabia

Generally considered one of the wealthiest nations on the planet, the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia (KSA) has some way to go when it comes to the real gold; a single EHR for its people. Its technology infrastructure rivals those anywhere in the world but it has been suggested conservative Physicians are holding back a push for wholesale adoption.


Arguably one of the most technically-talented and industrious nations on earth, India has struggled to engage and police health services countrywide to help with a single EHR. The government talked positively about the grand plan in 2013 but currently it remains just that.


Much like the majority of Asia, electronic medical record (EMR) systems are widely used, at least in hospitals, but there are an abundance of different software choices. A uniform EHR system is not on the horizon, with the Japanese government still not having any standardised guidelines for the sharing of any health or medical data.

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