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šŸ¤ Top Healthtech Meetups in Australia šŸ—£

We can assure you here at doctology that pre-COVID times, people actually did "meetup" and discuss common interests such as healthtech and digital health.

With the worst of the C-word over, we hope that people will return in their droves to these groups and once again connect through a shared love of healthcare and innovation.

When they do, we want you to be ready, so here are our top picks of Healthtech & Digital Health Meetups you must check out (some are now dormant, but if you hassle the organiser enough, perhaps they will be encouraged to rebirth...):

StartUp HealthTech Australia 2,745 Healthcare innovators | Brisbane, Australia Organised by Chris Kommatas

Health Tech Innovation Queensland Meetup 1,698 Healthpreneurs | Brisbane, Australia Organised by Tamara

Sydney Healthcare AI & Data Science 1,057 Members | Sydney, Australia Organised by Joe Logan

PEAK15 HealthTech 1,053 PEAK15 HealthTech-ers | Melbourne, Australia Organised by Sid Verma

Australian Healthcare and Blockchain 731 Members | Sydney, Australia Organised by Blockchain Australia

AI in Healthcare 556 Members | Melbourne, Australia Organised by Paul Cooper

MedTech Startup - medical device innovation 442 Medical Device Innovators | Melbourne, Australia Organised by Jono Nevile

Artificial Intelligence Experience Sydney 441 Members | Sydney, Australia Organised by Natalia Usenia

Health 2.0 Melbourne - Health Innovation Collaborative 401 Healthcare Innovators | Melbourne, Australia Organised by Chris Kommatas

Health Informatics, E-Health & Digital Health Sydney 210 E-Health Enthusiasts | Sydney, Australia Organised by Brian Hill


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